The Leader In You is one of the best selling self-help books ever published.The Leader in You is an expressive step-by-step guide; demonstrating tips, ideas, and strategies on principles to have a creative and exciting work life, irrespective of in what profession one is.The success of Dale Carnegie & Associates lies in its timeless ability to redefine its basic message for the pressing issues of each succeeding business generation. The book speaks directly to the business world of the 1990s, with advice on surviving downsizing, mergers and fierce bottom-line demands, negotiating the corporate differences and cross-cultural disparities of today's globalized economy. The book aims to develop and reinforce strong motivation and self-confidence among as ever-changing array of executives in the new flat organization.TABLE OF CONTENTSEDITOR’S NOTE INTRODUCTION THE HUMAN-RELATIONSREVOLUTION CHAPTER—1 FINDING THE LEADER IN YOU CHAPTER—2 STARTING TO COMMUNICATE CHAPTER—3 MOTIVATING PEOPLE CHAPTER —4 EXPRESSING GENUINE INTEREST IN OTHERS CHAPTER—5 SEEING THINGS FROM THE OTHER PERSON'SPOINT OF VIEW CHAPTER—6 LISTENING TO LEARN CHAPTER—7 TEAMING UP FOR TOMORROW * CREATE A SHARED SENSE OF PURPOSE. * MAKE THE GOALS TEAM GOALS. * TREAT PEOPLE LIKE THE INDIVIDUALS THEYARE. * MAKE EACH MEMBER RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TEAM PRODUCT. * SHARE THE GLORY, ACCEPT THE BLAME. * TAKE EVERYOPPORTUNITYTO BUILD CONFIDENCE ON THE TEAM. * BE INVOLVED, STAY INVOLVED. * BE A MENTOR CHAPTER—8 RESPECTING THE DIGNITY OF OTHERS CHAPTER—9 RECOGNITION, PRAISE, AND REWARDS CHAPTER—10 HANDLING MISTAKES, COMPLAINTS, AND CRITICISM CHAPTER—11 SETTING GOALS CHAPTER—12 FOCUS AND DISCIPLINE CHAPTER—13 ACHIEVING BALANCE CHAPTER—14 CREATING A POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE CHAPTER—15 LEARNING NOT TO WORRY * LIVE IN DAY-TIGHT COMPARTMENTS. * TAKE COMFORT FROM THE LAW OF AVERAGES. * COOPERATE WITH THE INEVITABLE. * PUT A STOP-LOSS ORDER ON YOUR WORRIES. * KEEP THINGS IN PERSPECTIVE. * FINALLY, GET BUSY. * WHAT IF THERE IS GOOD REASON TO WORRY? CHAPTER—16 THE POWER OF ENTHUSIASM * CONCLUSION * MAKING IT HAPPENToday the Dale Carnegie Course is offered in more than a thousand cities and towns across America and in seventy other countries. Each week another three thousand people enroll. The Carnegie organization has now grown to the point that it custom designs training programs for more than four hundred of the Fortune 500 firms. BE A MENTOR It's the leader's job to develop the talents and strengthen the people on the team. This is true in the short term, as the team members deal with their assignment at hand. But it's also true long-term: the leaders must take a genuine responsibility for the lives and careers of the members of the team. “How would you like to improve?” “Where do you want your career to go from here?” “What kinds of new responsibilities would you like to be taking on?” It's your job as leader to ask all those questions and to use whatever knowledge and experience you possess to help team members achieve those goals.