Finding and landing freelance writing work is not easy. It requires a great deal of hustle, determination and the ability to handle rejection well. Fortunately, there’s a faster and simpler way to prospect for clients using nothing but email. This method is perfect if you don't really enjoy prospecting. Or if you just don't have the time (or the motivation) to keep up with the latest marketing fads. It's called "warm email prospecting." And in this nuts-and-bolts guide, freelance copywriter and business-building coach Ed Gandia will show you how to use this simple, proven and underused approach to generate high-quality client leads faster and more cost-effectively. You'll discover the three psychological triggers that get prospects to respond to your message and contact you to learn more. You’ll get samples, templates and step-by-step instruction. And you'll walk away knowing how to write simple and short prospecting emails that get results.